Advertisement Opportunities

Advertisement Opportunities

Benefit for Sponsorship:


As part of sponsorship package, besides complimentary delegates, brand visibility is offered as displaying of logo on the program hand book, sponsors webpage on our website and banners, signage and posters to be put up during exhibition at all prominent places.

Being part of premium sponsorship, additional advertisement opportunities are also extended as per selected sponsorship tiers;

Lead sponsor may in addition, select any three items (listed at I to IX)

Platinum sponsor may in addition, select two items (listed at I to IX)

Diamond sponsor may in addition, select one items (listed at I to IX)

GEOINDIA 2024 Event also offers additional branding as per your demand of visibility.

Technical Program Audiovisual Services (INR 500,000)

GEO India’s cutting-edge presentations are not possible without projection and display technology and services. Sponsor’s name and logo will be recognized electronically in each session hall and on signages in the poster presentation area.

ONLINE Registration Kiosk (INR 500,000)

Registration for the conference and exhibition will be carried out through the GEO India 2024 official web site and the registration webpage will carry logo of lead sponsor prominently along with paid / other sponsors.

Conference Registration COUNTER (INR 500,000)

The Sponsor’s logo will also be displayed prominently in a banner at the conference registration. It will also be printed in the hard copy of the technical conference programme.

Conference KIT (INR 500,000)

Sponsor’s logo will appear on this item which will be provided to each registered delegate and gift to official and lead professionals attending the conference.

Internet Café (INR 500,000)

In today’s world, it’s imperative to stay connected for which Internet Café are likely to be set. Delegates using the internet-accessible computers in this area will carry name and logo prominently displayed.

Lanyards (INR 500,000)

Sponsor along with other sponsor will the unique opportunity to provide lanyards with corporate identity for all visitors, conference delegate, speakers, VVIP’s and visitor badges. These will be distributed to all delegates and visitors at the GEO India 2024 registration areas.

Transport (INR 500,000)

Buses will be made available to delegates and exhibitors attending GEO India 2024 at Exhibition & Convention Centre from designated hotels / pickup points on a regular and timely basis. Banners and advertising on the side of the vehicles will be an effective way to generate publicity and exposure.

Coffee / Snack Break Counter (INR 500,000)

Lead sponsor’s name and its logo will be displayed at prominent places at the sponsored catering points for each day of the conference event.

Catered Delegate Lunches (INR 500,000)

Delegate lunches are offered each day in a special area of the conference centre. Lead sponsor’s logo will be prominently displayed on the invitation banners at the event, and credit given in the Conference book.

Other opportunities for sponsoring




Your patronage to these high profile networking events on the sidelines of the main event, honoring the GEOINDIA, will be recognized by including logo on the event invitations, as well as banners prominently displayed at this cultural event, which will be held on the evening of 15th November 2024, at the venue in the “India Expo Centre & Mart” Exhibition & Convention Centre, Greater Noida, India.


GeoIndia Delegate/Spouse Registration